Two Heads for API Lunchbox

Composer Chris McLernon’s Two Heads Music produces original musical scores for television networks (NBC, CBS, FOX) and commercial clients (Nokia and Best Buy). Music by McLernon and his partner, Rick Sanders, has been heard on network series, DVD releases, commercials and in electronic press kits.

Recently, Two Heads was tapped to record singer London Weidberg for a song that was included in the NBC show "Vegas." But instead of having Weidberg come to his studio, McLernon packed up a trusted microphone and his API Lunchbox that includes a 3124 discrete four-channel mic/line pre and a 512C discrete mic/line pre, and went to her.

McLernon tracked the sessions directly into a Digidesign Pro Tools session, bypassing the studio's console and the associated adjustments to his accustomed recording method. Because the vocalist has good technique, McLernon recorded Weidberg’s take flat, with very little compression.

In addition to using his API gear in recording situations, McLernon has found it helpful to use while getting ready to mix music. On a recent date, he took a track that was recorded using a Digi 002 with only onboard mic preamps and pumped it through his API gear to add the clarity and accuracy. As a recordist, he feels the API Lunchbox produces a pleasant crispness and clarity without adding the harshness that some associate with digital recording.

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