Vizrt announces collaborations with Microsoft and Inrix

Vizrt is to deliver new mapping and graphics capabilities to the broadcast industry in collaborations with Microsoft and Inrix.

Vizrt will work with Microsoft to create a new graphics visualization and content provisioning offering for broadcasters. This solution will enable broadcasters to use aerial imagery and other technology from Microsoft’s Virtual Earth platform with the same control it is accustomed to through Viz|Curious World Maps.

Curious Software and Inrix are collaborating to give media broadcasters innovative, animated traffic maps showcasing real-time and predictive traffic flow and incident data from Inrix.

Curious Traffic Producer harnesses the acclaimed mapmaking power of Curious World Maps specifically for illustrating traffic reports. The simple template-driven user-interface allows broadcast media graphics and non-graphics professionals to click-and-create still or animated traffic maps to be ready for air in an instant.

Inrix currently provides real-time traffic incident information for 138 metropolitan markets and real-time traffic speed and dynamic predictive information for more than 20 metropolitan markets.

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