Grass Valley Adding Creative Grading to Cameras at 2019 NAB Show

LAS VEGAS—Looking to boost creative control for camera shaders, Grass Valley will introduce its Creative Grading technology at the upcoming NAB Show.

Creative Grading is comprised of a new control panel and a companion touchscreen application, bundling multiple technical operations into intuitive packages. CG also provides adaptation to HDR, WCG, 4K UHD and other formats in real time. Consumers can also use a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet in the front of house to establish visual matching.

With Grass Valley’s CG, controls are presented as bundles of related parameters that can be toggled between streams from the same panel to experiment with different looks. When a look is created, it can be shared across multiple cameras. The technology can also take multiple snapshots of how setting changes impact an image, compare them and select the preferred result.

Grass Valley will demonstrate its Creative Grading technology at its NAB Show booth, SL106.

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