Omneon - Geoff Steadman, Senior VP marketing and business development

Geoff Steadman
Q. What broad technology trends do you think will be front-and-centre at IBC2010?

The move to file-based workflows has opened up all kinds of opportunities to make production and distribution more efficient, provided that the various systems can work together and open standards are embraced. Broadcasters want to see practical implementations of file-based infrastructures that work, without requiring an army of engineers to integrate and without file format incompatibilities. Companies showing true workflow solutions that can be easily implemented will have the busiest stands.

Q. Any thoughts on how the current economic climate will affect the show?

It certainly feels like the economic situation is improving and because of that we expect to see somewhat larger crowds. We are also seeing a continuing growth in the number of projects moving forward, and that usually drives increased traffic to our stand with prospective customers looking to get a better understanding of how our solutions can meet their requirements.

Q. What's new that you will show at IBC2010 and that broadcasters should look for there?

At IBC2010, Omneon will be introducing a new line of MediaPort interface modules for our flagship Spectrum video server platform. These new MediaPorts provide an entirely new level of functionality, allowing back-to-back playout of any DV, MPEG-2 or AVC-Intra clip, with integrated up-, down- and cross conversion. With these new MediaPorts, users can put any combination of these media formats on a single timeline and the server will play out a seamless SD or HD channel.

Q. How is your new product offering different from what's available on the market?

For broadcasters looking to move to HD, the new MediaPort provides the easiest path forward, since it lets them combine both new HD content with legacy SD content on any channel. The Omneon Spectrum media server has always been the most modular, flexible video server platform on the market, and these new MediaPorts continue to demonstrate these architectural advantages.

Q. How many years have you been going to the IBC show and what's your fondest memory? What's your favorite restaurant or pub?

I've been attending IBC for eight years. My favorite restaurant is Café November.

Q. 3D – Hope or Hype or In Between, or wait and see?

Hype, right now. It remains to be seen just how much beyond the experimentation stage we get, and how fast we get there.