Wohler Technologies Inc. - Kim Templeman-Holmes, EVP Sales & Marketing

Kim Templeman-Holmes
Q. What broad technology trends do you think will be front-and-centre at IBC2010?

Technology trends such as 3D, IPTV, mobile delivery, and loudness monitoring and control will continue to dominate the headlines.

Q. Any thoughts on how the current economic climate will affect the show?

We saw a slight increase in opportunities at NAB, and I am optimistic that IBC will be bigger and better than last year. The show has always had quality attendees and a good amount of decision makers, and we hope to impress them with our latest products on display in Hall 8, Stand 8.D56.

Q. What’s new that you will show at IBC2010 and that broadcasters should look for there?

The new Presto 1RU source selector is a powerful combination of 16 OLED video displays, themselves serving as routing buttons to provide 16 x 1 switching functionality. Also new for IBC is our Rockridge broadcast-quality video monitors which are modular, rackmount multi-screen and large-format MPEG/3G/DVI/analog monitors with features such as in-picture level metering, waveform, vectorscope and PID table display.

Q. How is your new product offering different from what’s available on the market?

Wohler has always been focused on producing the most reliable and highest quality broadcast products. The majority of our new products have been designed with direct input from our customers and are focused on easy operation, unique features and modular, upgradeable designs.

Q. Where are you based, and how many employees do you have?

Anything else we should know about your company? Wohler Technologies is based in the Bay area just outside San Francisco where we employ around 70 people. Over the last 12 months, we have increased our engineering team to enable us to meet the aggressive targets in product development that we'll be showing off at IBC.

Q. How many years have you been going to the IBC show and what’s your fondest memory? What’s your favorite restaurant or pub?

Gosh, it seems like I have been attending IBC for as long as I can remember. . . many many years! I always stop by the Bell Pub. It seems like everyone else does as well, and you can be sure you’ll bump into people you know.

Q. 3D – Hope or Hype or In Between, or wait and see?

It’s happening now, perhaps not as fast as some people either hoped or thought, but it’s happening.