Qvest Media, PHABRIX, and ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion Join AIMS

BOTHELL, Wash. -- May 24, 2017 -- The Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS) has welcomed Qvest Media as a full member and two more associate members -- PHABRIX Limited and ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion.

Qvest Media is leading systems architect in the broadcasting and media technology markets, specializing in the television, media, and telecommunications industries. With a powerful spectrum of services consisting of consulting and development, systems integration, and service and support, Qvest Media offers a wealth of expertise in the design, development, implementation, and operational support of media technology infrastructures. 

PHABRIX designs and manufactures test and measurement instruments for broadcast infrastructures, particularly focusing on the transition from composite video to SD-SDI, HD-SDI, 3G-SDI, UHDTV 1/4K, UHDTV2/8K, and IP. PHABRIX won IABM's highly acclaimed Peter Wayne Award in 2008 for the PHABRIX SxA, the world's first handheld generator, analyzer, and monitor capable of handling SD-SDI, HD-SDI, and 3G-SDI. Today the company's product range includes the Qx, the first automatic SMPTE-compliance verification instrument for UHDTV1/4K and UHDTV2/8K and supporting SMPTE 2022-6 over 10 GbE for IP.

ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion, a division of German media giant ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, provides internal and external customers with technical innovations and state-of-the-art services for the production, archiving, and multimedia distribution of television content. Its portfolio includes studio production and postproduction, cross-company content management, and a full broadcasting service for more than 15 TV stations. The company also provides the entire technical infrastructure for ProSiebenSat.1 Group. With its service range, ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion is one of Germany's most advanced production and media technology companies.

"Qvest Media, PHABRIX, and ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion play major roles in their respective practice areas and bring a lot of expertise to the table, so we're especially grateful that those companies have chosen to become AIMS members," said Michael Cronk, AIMS chairman of the board. "It's because of our growing body of members that AIMS has been able to show so much progress since it began a little over a year ago."

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About the Alliance for IP Media Solutions

The Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the education, awareness, and promotion of industry standards for the transmission of video, audio, and ancillary information over an IP infrastructure, as well as products based on those standards. The group represents the interests of both broadcast and media companies and technology suppliers that share a commitment to facilitating the industry's transition from SDI to IP through industry standards and interoperable solutions that enable the rapid evolution to open, agile, and versatile production environments. 

Image Caption: PHABRIX Logo

Image Link: www.wallstcom.com/AIMS/AIMS-PHABRIXLogo.jpg 

Image Caption: ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion Logo

Image Link: www.wallstcom.com/AIMS/AIMS-ProSiebenSat.1Logo.jpg 

Image Caption: Qvest Media Logo

Image Link: www.wallstcom.com/AIMS/AIMS-QVESTMediaLogo.png 

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