Quantum StorNext Pro Solutions Named as a Finalist for StudioDaily Prime Awards
StorNext 5 Platform Also Selected as Storage Product of the Year Finalist in UK's Network Computing Awards 2015
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- March 4, 2015 -- Quantum Corp. (NYSE: QTM) today announced that its StorNext Pro(TM) Solutions family is a finalist in the Postproduction category of the StudioDaily Prime Awards, which recognize the top tier of new technology in media and entertainment. This latest honor follows StorNext(R) Pro Solutions receiving the Visionary Product Award for "Enabling Collaborative Storage Technology" at the Storage Visions Conference in January. In addition, Quantum's StorNext 5 platform -- on which StorNext Pro Solutions are built -- was recently named a finalist in the Storage Product of the Year category of the UK's Network Computing Awards 2015. These awards recognize companies and products at the forefront of the evolving technology market.
[Tweet this: @StudioDaily names @StorNext #workflowstorage award finalist in latest honor. See what's behind recent accolades at www.stornext.com.]
StorNext Pro Solutions include five high-performance storage systems optimized to enable collaborative workflows, providing faster and more cost-effective creation, management, processing and delivery of content:
* StorNext Pro Studio is a highly scalable solution that is 100 percent compatible with Apple Xsan storage, making it ideal for users looking to refresh or enhance their Xsan environments.
* StorNext Pro 4K combines a flash-based metadata appliance and highly scalable disk storage to meet the demands of modern 4K media workflows from ingest to production to delivery.
* StorNext Pro Foundation provides shared storage for smaller production workgroups in a high-performance, attractively priced solution.
* StorNext Pro Workgroup offers ingest, production, review and delivery in one system, with different options for petascale content storage and access, including Quantum's Lattus(TM) extended online storage or archive tape.
* StorNext Pro Production provides users with the complete workflow storage they need for not only creating content but also controlling, monetizing and managing it long-term.
All five StorNext Pro Solutions are powered by StorNext 5, a scale-out storage platform designed for today's modern workflow challenges of capturing, sharing and preserving massive amounts of data in the most demanding environments. It includes the industry's fastest streaming file system and policy-based tiering for automatically moving data across primary storage, extended online storage, tape archive and the cloud.
StudioDaily editors and staff will select the Prime Award winners, which will be announced on April 14 at the 2015 NAB Show in Las Vegas. Network Computing Award winners will be named on March 19 in London.
Supporting Quote
Alex Grossman, Vice President, Media and Entertainment, Quantum
"We built StorNext 5 from the ground up to enable users to meet new workflow demands, including the ability to access data whenever and wherever it's needed for analysis, monetization or repurposing -- all in the most cost-effective way possible. With StorNext Pro Solutions, broadcast and postproduction users get the benefits of StorNext 5 in a fully integrated system designed to match their specific workflows, from ingest to archive. This unique value that StorNext 5 and StorNext Pro Solutions deliver is clearly resonating with customers, and we're excited about the resulting industry recognition and honors we continue to receive."
Additional Resources
* For more information on StorNext Pro Solutions: www.stornext.com/solutions/stornextpro
* Read about StorNext 5: www.quantum.com/products/scale-out-storage/index.aspx
* Quantum will be exhibiting its StorNext portfolio at the 2015 NAB Show (booth #SL8416)
Photo Link: www.wallstcom.com/Quantum/Quantum-StorNextProSolutions.png
Photo Caption: Quantum StorNext Pro Solutions
About Quantum
Quantum is a leading expert in scale-out storage, archive and data protection. The company's StorNext 5 platform powers modern high-performance workflows, enabling fluid, real-time collaboration and keeping content readily accessible for future use and re-monetization. More than 100,000 customers have trusted Quantum to address their most demanding content workflow needs, including top studios, major broadcasters and cutting-edge content creators. With Quantum, customers can Be Certain(TM) they have the end-to-end storage foundation they need to manage assets from ingest through finishing, and into delivery and long-term preservation. See how at www.stornext.com.
Quantum, the Quantum logo, Be Certain, Lattus, StorNext and StorNext Pro are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Quantum Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
"Safe Harbor" Statement: This press release contains "forward-looking" statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Specifically, but without limitation, statements relating to 1) benefits and value to customers from using Quantum's StorNext Pro Solutions and StorNext 5 software and 2) customer demand for and Quantum's future revenue from such solutions and software, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Safe Harbor. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Quantum on the date hereof. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Quantum's actual results to differ materially from those implied by the forward-looking statements. More detailed information about these risk factors are set forth in Quantum's periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties listed in the section entitled "Risk Factors," in Quantum's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 6, 2015 and in Quantum's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 6, 2014. Quantum expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
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